Frankie Legarreta, a Queens native known as “Frankie Legs,” has dedicated the past decade of his life to being a pedicab driver in Manhattan. Despite a severe accident at age 12 that left him with a shattered femur and a prognosis of potential permanent disability, Frankie turned to cycling for rehabilitation and eventually made it his career. Working nearly every day, he navigates the challenging terrain of Central Park and the busy streets of Midtown, relying on his remarkable physical endurance and strength to earn his living.
His journey has not been easy. The physical demands of pedicab driving have taken a toll on his body, but through a regimen of high-carb meals, coffee, and exercise, he has maintained his health and even achieved an athlete’s level of fitness. Despite the hardships, including the initial skepticism towards pedicab drivers and the industry’s challenges such as regulation and the negative perception following incidents of collisions and price gouging, Frankie remains dedicated to his craft. He views himself as an ambassador for New York City, going so far as to learn several languages to better communicate with tourists and diving into the history of Central Park to enrich his passengers’ experiences.
Legarreta’s passion for cycling and commitment to providing a distinguished experience set him apart in the pedicab community. His story highlights the resilience, dedication, and love for the city that drive him to pedal every day, embodying the spirit of a true New Yorker and a pure cyclist at heart.
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