
Game of Thrones Pedicabs Will Provide free New York Rides – Hollywood Reporter

Uber has partnered with HBO Now to offer a unique “Game of Thrones” experience, #RideOfThrones, to fans in New York. This promotion, available on Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., provides fans with two options: a Throne option for a photo opportunity with a replica of the Iron Throne (though not for riding around the city) and a pedicab ride within a specific area of Manhattan. Both services are offered free of charge, with Uber promising quick arrival times. The event has seen high demand, with many fans waiting to access the Throne ride option, but the pedicab rides have been more readily available. The promotion has been popular among fans, with many engaging deeply with the “Game of Thrones” theme, including speaking in character and humming the show’s theme song during their rides.

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