
Five Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed by a NYC Pedicab Driver – Slate Magazine

Here are five strategies to avoid being scammed by pedicab drivers in New York City, especially given the recent regulations requiring clear posting of per-minute rates:

  1. Educate Yourself on Local Laws: Before taking a pedicab, familiarize yourself with the city’s regulations, which mandate that pedicabs can only charge a per-minute rate with no hidden fees. Print out and carry the Department of Consumer Affairs guidelines to show to the driver if necessary.
  2. Choose Experienced Drivers: While this advice could be seen as problematic, some suggest opting for older, more experienced drivers who may be less likely to overcharge. However, this advice should be approached with caution to avoid discriminatory practices.
  3. Record the Driver’s ID: Make a note of the driver’s identification number or name. Letting the driver know you have this information might deter them from attempting to overcharge you.
  4. Be Vocal If Scammed: If you suspect you’re being overcharged, don’t hesitate to confront the driver loudly or call for police assistance. Making a scene might prompt the driver to relent rather than risk a public confrontation.
  5. Consider Alternatives to Pedicabs: Given the potential for scams and the general inconvenience and discomfort of pedicabs, consider other forms of transportation around the city, such as walking, taking a bus, or a subway, which might offer a more reliable and pleasant experience.

These tips aim to protect tourists and residents from falling victim to overcharging practices that have been a significant issue with some unscrupulous pedicab drivers in New York City.

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